Inflation? Hyper-inflation? No, a conspiracy theory!

Have you noticed any inflation? Pasta price up, gaz price up, … Everything you can buy, price seems to go up! According to IMF, it is only temporary and if you say otherwise, you are a conspiracy theorist! I must be one then :-))

Covid Kingdom is still under construction and they want each and all of us to participate in this exciting new adventure where a few people own everything and you get nothing, you will be enslaved to your master. There is one thing however that will make them fail: they are extremely bad economists, they are playing with the money and the money is exploding right now into hyper inflation fireworks, which will signify the end of the game not too far away! Get Gold, get bits of Bitcoin and you should be safe.

Bulls are still out there, because plenty of cash is there so only few industrial constraints prevent from going higher faster. This is what we see on Semi Conductor index:

Price Channel have no specific sense but you see that the one I draw is in sync with medium and long term indicators. Only short term shows weakness. Silicium might be missing so companies like Qualcomm will only increase their selling price while waiting to manufacture more. There can still be a drop to 3000, which be a good oppoortunity to invest, especially in light of 5G deployments.

Coming back for a second on inflation, you can see below that ground coffee price has just doubled in 2021. Here is the deal: consider how many coffee you drink in a year, do you yourself a favor by buying stocks of a coffee company, they give dividends so you get free coffee!

I always mention oil on this blog, because without oil, our society will just stop! No more cars, no more plastic, … Green electricity will not replace oil. Take a note: green electricity will not replace oil. NEVER!

Crude oil is up 10% since last post. Good for your portfolio. Of course, you need to have many stocks of Exxon, BP, … if you want them to pay oil for your car with dividends. At least, it may buy you extra free coffee!

If you wonder why gaz is more and more expensive, just look at the chart: +128% since Jan 1st! This is not going to stop any time soon. Windfarms are deployed everywhere, but since wind is not a continuous supply, then you need a gas power plant to manage electrical grid. Gas supply being limited by other geopolitical issues, price can only go up!

Last one for today is Bitcoin. BTC is still quietly hanging around, gathering ressources for the next leg. This next leg will be up towards 100k$. That is because of wider adoption (Salvadore, …), it is safer than fiat money, it does not have a country (miners can hop to new country any time), transactions costs become faster and cheaper with Lightning network. While I expect price will go down to 35k$, I am waiting for this cheap entry!

That’s it for today. Until next time, trade safely!

There is no such thing as self-fulfilling prophecies!!

Extract from Britannica:

Self-fulfilling prophecy, process through which an originally false expectation leads to its own confirmation. In a self-fulfilling prophecy an individual’s expectations about another person or entity eventually result in the other person or entity acting in ways that confirm the expectations.

A classic example of a self-fulfilling prophecy is the bank failures during the Great Depression. Even banks on strong financial footing sometimes were driven to insolvency by bank runs. Often, if a false rumor started that the bank was insolvent (incapable of covering its deposits), a panic ensued, and depositors wanted to withdraw their money all at once before the bank’s cash ran out. When the bank could not cover all the withdrawals, it actually did become insolvent. Thus, an originally false belief led to its own fulfillment.

We live in a world full of narratives, that we are asked to believe without asking questions. Most common ones are “Covid19 jabs work as expected” or “climate will be so hot by 2100, it will be a great disaster”. Those making those prophecies have no capability to justify their statement, so they have engaged in a deception process, which they can no longer escape, or at the price of their future if any. For jab, it is easy to manipulate data, hide facts about adverse reactions, … For climate, you won’t be there to verify since you will have died from the jab long before!

Those who disagree with the official prophecies are nicknamed conspiracy theorists, which is the ultimate insult to stop any debate about any topic. Now, we can look at these conspiracies theorists prophecies, right? All that they have predicted for the last 18 months is happening even faster than they would have imagined: vaccination failures, lockdowns, blaming non vaccinated, future climate lockdown, forever pandemic, …. Self-fullfilling? No! With the help of internet, these guys are very well informed, and read quite well through the plans, which makes politicians nervous and forced to accelerate in vain attempt to take back control.

Here is one of those idiot:

J. Trudeau is an imbecile! He has taken away freedoms from the people for a ridiculous virus, freedoms that they fought to get over the centuries, and now he will only give them back only if they take a poison pill!

Here is my prophecy for Trudeau and alikes, when jabbed people will wake up. There will be no mercy!

Is It Inevitable? « Mark America

Climate warmists are no better, they try to spread fear and have started almost 20 years ago a narrative prophecy, whereby climate is changing fast due to human produced CO2. There is of course no proof of relationship between CO2 level and climate behavior. At time of dinausors, CO2 level was twelve times higher, the tree were gigantic size compared to today… but anyway, since people don’t ask questions, it is a good reason for future climatic lock down, where all data will be manipulated, there will be C02 passports, and who knows, maybe even CO2 vaccines!

Here is the key: ASK QUESTIONS! DON’T GIVE UP UNTIL YOU GET A FULLY JUSTIFIED ANSWER! No adverse reactions on vaccine? Show me the proof! You want report from hospitals! CO2 impacting temperature? Show me the corresponding studies, correlations over centuries, and show me data integrity!

Coming back to finance, Janet Yellen makes a prophecy of severe upcoming financial crisis if debt ceiling is not raised: rocketing intest rates, stock market crash. It is precisely BECAUSE of this debt ceiling raise THAT interests rate will eventually go up (hyper-inflation like) and that stock market will crash. Course n°1 or 2 in economics for dummies!

So again you should wonder and ASK QUESTIONS before the corrupted governments tries to dry your accounts because you are not jabbed, you have a car that is polluting too much CO2 and you have invested in stock markets, you little stupid!

Market Review

S&P is still in strong long term uptrend (above the blue river). There is a divergence (smoothed ROC second indicator) which points to possible trend change. Short term indicator at the bottom shows its third short signal in 3 months, which we can use for covering portfolio and more should market reverse).

Bitcoin is still up as well but you can see that bottom the short signal. Since we can not short Bitcoin, I am waiting for this short signal to reverse, might be the start of next move towards 75k$. Reason being US$ value going down as debt ceiling is raised. Philosophical question: is debt a currency? :-))

SOX (semi-conductor index) is important index to follow as it has some predicitive power. Semi-conductors are needed everywhere (for AI, 5G, …) so if sector is not looking good, expect some nasty wave on technology sector! What does it do? Slower than before but up! So my prediction is market crash is delayed! You can ask me questions, I will answer! :-))

Oil is flashing a buy signal. Not good if you need to refill your car tank but having stocks like OXY and you get a refund via stock price increase and good dividends! Do not forget electric cars together with wind farms and solar panels will just not work (you will be able to recharge your battery once a month at best and at huge price). Oil price will go up, same as CO2 explained last week! Get ready for it!

That’s it for today.

I might loose my job in the future in line with ‘no jab no job’ policy in my country. I will surely have plenty of time to write by then. You can support if you wish with BCH address:


That’s it for today. Until next time, trade safely!

Back on the saddle! An other market boring report!

Sorry for long silence. Plenty of business to attend, not talking fighting for freedom in our countries, which must be your priority! Go to demonstrations, make plans should the worst happen like in Australia, help as much as possible the revolution leaders whether they are politicians, lawyers, … Wake up the sheeps if you can and take names of all the traitors who are on their knees in front of corrupted governments!

I will try to help you make some money by in-depth market analysis. But remember it is no advice. You have to think about it and consider your own personal situation. Bet 100$ on a crypto if you can afford it and maybe you will get 1000$ sooner than you think, but keep in mind you might loose it all if you enter the market in awkward manner!

Market overview

S&P500 is still going to the moon, so it seems. See how it bumps regularly on the dynamic random walk lines. Trend is still hugely positive. There is indeed a divergence with the PPO below, but only a close below the green channel would indicate market witness.

September is usually a poor month to invest, at least from statistical perspective. But worst month is … October! A drop to 4000 (lowest line below the last top) is in theory possible. If it happened, then just take the opportunity to invest in strong companies like Apple!

What is Crude Oil doing? It does not seem to be up and the down move started in July seems to be completed. If you don’t know, then market is just flat! Traders probably play in what they perceive as horizontal channel, we don’t care and wait for a bullish sign.

If there is one market where you shoud be invested, it is …. COAL!!! Coal is good for the planet, whatever those ecologists are telling you. Plants benefit from carbon and give you more oxygen. Carbon is not responsible for climate change, mother Earth does what it wants and men is responsible of all the chemical pollution, but ecologists will ignore your questions, should you ask. So Carbon is becoming more expensive through some interesting financial tricks (pollution allowance, …) and since solar pannels and wind farms will NEVER alone power the world, coal (and Uranium) are your best bet for years to come (unless humanity comes back to some reason!)

Crypto Market

Crypto market is the place to be when cryptos fly towards the moon but a place to be avoided in other circumstances. Sure enough, central banks printing money by gigantic amounts, the value of any active asset, such as Bitcoin, can only go up, whatever happens, even if governments tried to forbid its existence, because … nobody is in charge! You kill it and it will be norn again 2 minutes later!

Bitcoin, pretty much like oil, is gently drifting horizontally. The south objective is 35k and northern one is 70k. This might continue for one or two months.

This is a more interesting crypto called SOLANA. Huge increase since mid-July (which I did not manage to catch!) and predictably, a retracement is on-going. I am looking at buying trade around 110$.

This is Solana 1h graph. Note the volatility! The objective of the down move has been reached, which you may call a support! This tells me it may not go further down for now.

That’s it for today. I will write at least once a week. If you want to support this blog, I am showing my Bitcoin Cash address on the right side! We never know where market is heading, so be careful.

Until next time, trade safely!