Hello! Mister Market is very optimistic, has gone through the last 2 reactions lines and has stumbled also further from the random path.
This optimism is really puzzling if you are looking at the news on TV but remember that S&P500 is driven mainly by the GAFA’s and Internet sector is big winner of the pandemic. Home office has proved a success for many companies and is going to be a source for cost reduction in the months ahead. Crisis are always the time when creativity works best and remote office was a solution only waiting for the opportunity to prove itself useful in crisis and at any all time!
What do we need to do now? Of course, keep a close watch on index evolution as it scrolls through upcoming reaction lines. There are then many stocks that are still low without any reason other than cash has flown to immediate winners such as Amazon, …. The other sectors such as 5G will restart shortly, American Towers is already making new all time highs! Fasten you seat belts and enjoy the rides!
Until next time, trade safely!
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