Sorry for silence other the last two weeks, urgent business to attend. Anyway, while Bitcoin and stock markets have been more or less flat, then emerge the stories of Robin Hood young traders who want to bring down selected Wallstreet funds because they have huge short positions on their specific stocks. Let’s take a look!
While it is absolutely ok to use same tools as big funds, playing against the big boys in frontal MMA fight will definitely end badly. Why? Because the big boys are making the rules! If you are making insane profits and they are making insane losses, one will claim you are working against the highest interests of the nation (or any bullshit like that) and deserve spending 120 years in jail. We already see the central banks being very unhappy about usual folks making money (and not that much actually) and planning to ban the use. See example of India here. I am still bullish on Bitcoin, Etherum, and many others but the situation must be monitored very closely.
We can make lots of profits by using the methodologies already explained on this blog. Don’t follow blindly the Reddit forums. If you are ever asked why you have Gamestop in your portfolio, then just show the chart:
The random walk path was bullish, the prices objectives were some good distance, … a no brainer case! Of course, don’t forget to exit while you have huge profits waiting.
When does the WallstreetBets game stop? I will tell you. As long as they disturb only a few selected funds and push some stocks up, they can survive. But if suddenly, Robin Hood decides to short BlackRock, then it will be a different story!
That’s it for now. I will come back later. Until then, trade SAFELY!